Faces and Frames —poems by Talia Ann Green - Paperback


Faces and Frames —poems by Talia Ann Green - Paperback


This collection of poems by Talia Ann Green explores the complexities of eating disorder recovery, crossing the intersections of mental health, feminism, and healing.

Cover art by Anthony Wilson

ISBN-13:  978-1-7335897-8-9

Library of Congress Control Number:  2020943798

eISBN-13:  978-1-7335897-9-6

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“These are gentle poems. No, they are powerful poems.  Poems that work toward working with the world, with the visual and comprehensive limitations of the individual, with being able to see faces through frames, of making meaning from limited information, of accepting pleasures as they flit by.  They are delicate, like the fallen leaves in “A Window in September,” but, like the carpet of leaves, they are “steadfast, stubborn like concrete.”  There are poems here that will remain in my memory for a long time.” 

— KAREN ALKALAY GUT, Author of A Word in Edgewise and Surviving Her Story

“Talia’s poetry is real, inviting, speaking truth in exquisite form.”

— HELENE LERNER, Founder of WomenWorking.com; Author of In Her Power 

Talia Ann Green is a writer and musician based in New Jersey, currently pursuing an editorial career in book publishing. An English and Creative Writing graduate from Emory University, Talia has received multiple accolades for her writing, including the Artistine Mann Award, the First Place Award in the William Faulkner Literary Competition, and the First Place Award in the Mahatma Gandhi Writing Contest at Princeton University. Among other publications, her work has appeared in SELF Magazine (Condé Nast), A Gathering of the Tribes Magazine, and Alloy Literary Magazine. For more poetry, plays, and original music, visit her website, InTaliasWords.com.