Zoë Luh, author of [and time erodes like thunder], lives in Columbus, Ohio, and is a Gemini sun and moon, and a Scorpio rising. She is a Comparative American Studies major at Oberlin College, and writes and performs poems as a member of their poetry team, OSLAM. Her writing crosses the intersections of disability, race, and gender with the complexities of healing and joy. Several of her articles on racial ableism appear in the Oberlin Review.
facebook.com/zoe.luh twitter.com/zoe_luh

[and time erodes like thunder] —poems by Zoë Luh - Paperback

This poetry collection powerfully chronicles one mixed-race, Chinese-American's emotional response to the trauma experienced in her family. Content warning for sexual assault, death, and medical violence.

ISBN-13: 978-1-7335897-4-1


Library of Congress Control Number: 2020936180

Ebook on Amazon